Sustainable Protection Against Mites and Bedbugs
No More Bedbugs on Your Sleep
Many believe that a bedbug infestation is caused by filth and uncleaned environments, but this is a misconception. They can live in the cleanest and neatest of places, as long as they have access to their food source - you.
Bedbugs are skillful creatures that can hide and be completely unnoticed by humans. They will feed opportunistically, not just at night. Mites, on the other hand, don’t actually bite you.
We have found a way for you to be safe at home, without a single worry on your mind.
Less Allergies, More Comfort
Living with allergies caused by dust-mites can be challenging, especially when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. But what if there was a solution that not only reduces allergies but also provides more comfort?
Si Bedbug repels bedbugs and dust-mites, providing relief from the symptoms of allergies caused by these insects without harming your health or the environment.
By repelling bedbugs and dust-mites, Si Bedbug not only reduces allergies but also provides a more comfortable sleeping environment.
Long-Lasting Eco Repellent
Si Bedbug is a sustainable functional finish with insect repellent properties to be applied on all textiles.
It will provide around-the-clock protection from bedbugs, mites and other bugs, reducing the health risks associated with their presence while you are at home.
Ideal for preventing allergic rhinitis, asthma, allergic conjunctivitis, dermatitis or atopic eczema. For over 100 washes, your home textiles will be constantly protected.

Home Safe Home
Bedbugs in Hospitality
Bedbugs can cause discomfort and distress to guests and impact their experience at the hotel. An infestation of this bugs can damage a hotel's reputation and the guests may leave negative reviews online or complain to others. Bedbugs can spread quickly and easily, if not addressed promptly, a small infestation can turn into a major problem that affects multiple rooms and even floors of a hotel.
Our Si Bedbug can help prevent infestations! By using it, hotels can protect their guests and prevent bedbugs from becoming a problem in the first place.