Eco-Friendly and Safe Insect Bite Protection
Prevention of Insect Bites
Si Repel Mosquito® is an effective insect repellent that provides the ultimate protection against mosquitoes and other bugs. With its unique formula, Si Repel Mosquito® effectively repels mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and other insects from the treated area.
One of the most significant benefits of using this solution is its ability to prevent insect bites. Mosquito bites, for example, can cause discomfort, itching, and in some cases, lead to serious diseases like malaria and dengue fever. By using Si Repel Mosquito®, you can rest assured that you are protected from these harmful insects and their bites.
Repellent, Not Insecticide
Si Repel Mosquito® is an insect repellent, not an insecticide. While both types of products are designed to fiht insects, they work in different ways.
Insecticides are chemicals that are designed to kill insects and can be harmful to humans and pets.
On the other hand, insect repellents are designed to keep insects away without killing them, creating a shield around the treated area. This makes them a safer and more environmentally friendly option for bugcontrol.
We Don’t Use Permethrine
Permethrin can be harmful for ecosystems as it kills insects. It can also cause skin irritation, burning and itching, and when ingested it can cause abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
Permethrin is not recommended to be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Permethrin is also harmful for animals, when in contact with high levels of this substance.
Si Repel Mosquito® is a safe and efficient solution that drives bugs away without toxicity, preserving the ecosystems’ natural balance.

Stay Outdoors With Us
Anti-Mosquito Movement
The Anti-Mosquito Movement is an initiative that aims to consolidate cultural ties between Portugal and countries affected by mosquito-borne diseases. The objective is to drastically reduce the number of people infected, the transmission rate and the level of incidence of Malaria and other vector-borne diseases at a national level, as well as all the government costs associated with these calamities.